North Atlantic Treaty Organization Forums

Full Version: MHA Comes a knockin
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Nation name: Poquoson

Nation Ruler: Remaliat

Nation Link: ... _ID=225966

Alliance Name: Mostly Harmless Alliance

Alliance Acronym (if any): MHA

Alliance Color: Aqua

Your position in the alliance: Minister of Babelfish, Acting Triumvir

Link to your alliance forums:
Masked and Embassy created, welcome Smile
JR, that sig...
Sorry, Anu. JR is a Republican.

It's okay, I still love him.
but but but... he's a wiccan. Wiccan Republicans make as much sense is AtheistRepublican. There's time to change!
It makes PERFECT sense when you think about it!
I am Pro-life, and it seems impossible for any democratic agenda to advocate pro-life.
I'm a pro-life liberal!
John, I support your sig. You got friends.
Nation name: Caligula

Nation Ruler: Caligula

Nation Link: ... _ID=170428

Alliance Name: Mostly Harmless Alliance

Alliance Acronym (if any): MHA

Alliance Color: Aqua

Your position in the alliance: Deputy Minister of Babelfish

Link to your alliance forums:

Sup Big Grin
Oh.My.God. IYIyTh.
I know right.

Update. I'm Minister, JR is NpO.
Quote:I know right.

Update. I'm Minister of Badassness, JR is NpO.

Nation name: New Benland

Nation Ruler: ch0utim3

Nation Link: ... _ID=189367

Alliance Name: Mostly Harmless Alliance

Alliance Acronym (if any): MHA

Alliance Color: Aqua

Your position in the alliance: Minister of Hitchhikers

Link to your alliance forums:
Got ya masked ch0utim3 :thumbup:

Welcome to NATO
Welcome to our humble home, enjoy your stay Smile
Nation name:Earth Three

Nation Ruler:John Mathews

Nation Link:

Alliance Name:Mostly Harmless Allaince

Alliance Acronym (if any):MHA

Alliance Color:Aqua

Your position in the alliance:Minster of Bad Poetry

Link to your alliance forums:
Masked and welcome Smile
Nation name: Kingdom of Floyd

Nation Ruler: gfloyd2002 (Floyd)

Nation Link: ... _ID=231193

Alliance Name: Mostly Harmless Alliance

Alliance Acronym (if any): MHA

Alliance Color: Aqua

Your position in the alliance: Triumvir

Link to your alliance forums:
Pages: 1 2