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Full Version: Ghux > Pingu
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Nation Name: Didn't I fill out
Nation Ruler: all this crap
Nation Link: when I registered?
Alliance Name: Sparta. I'm sure you've heard of us before.
Your position in the alliance: Curmudgeonly geezersaurus.


I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts (deedlededee)!

You're a sneaky one, highlighting Berbers in #cnnato before you attacked Wink

I respect that...

...attacking Berbers, I mean :|
The thing is, I'm going to crush you and eat your bones ( by that I mean cry until I get 2 people to horrendously down declare you)

Welcome to the fight Big Grin
Why eat my bones when I'm full of other tasty things like bacon, pork, bacon, ham, bacon, back bacon, bacon, pork belly, bacon, pork loin, bacon, pork ribs, bacon, bacon, and bacon? Oh, also I've got plenty of bacon.


Don't worry, I'll go easy on you. (I already fucked up the update blitz, and I think one of my GAs was at DEFCON 5 xD. The first round is always interesting.)

Lol I used your standing army to whittle my deployed troops down low enough to win 2 more GA's against your friend, hope you don't mind >.>


Also don't take it easy on me, I need casualties!

mmmmmmmmmmmm bacon


[Image: crossword.jpg]



Is someone going to mask this guy as a Spartan diplomat or is he just hamming around for battle taunts Big Grin


either way...hello

Quote:Lol I used your standing army to whittle my deployed troops down low enough to win 2 more GA's against your friend, hope you don't mind >.>
Congratulations, would you like a medal?
Quote:Congratulations, would you like a medal?

Yes actually, I would love a medal.  Preferably made of bacon and or bacon like soy products Tongue
Turkey bacon?


Also Lenny, I'm stuck on 2 down. Where's the answer key?

Mask granted. 


Seems I can't access the admin panel from mobile. :|

The title of this thread is a lie.
The title of your face is a lie.

the cake is a lie!

Quote:The title of your face is a lie.

The title of your face is your arse.
The title of your arse is stupid.

The title of my arse is Ghux.
The title of Ghux is The Best Thing Ever.

Ergo, my arse is the best thing ever.

Victory is mine.
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