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  NATO/Zenith MDoAP
Posted by: Wentworth - 09-22-2008, 03:04 PM - Forum: Defunct Treaties - Replies (1)

The Lolcat's Out of the Bag MDoAP


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Zenith, two independent alliances on Planet Bob do hereby enter into this treaty of peace, respect, communication, and mutual defense.

Article One: Sovereignty

Both NATO and Zenith shall remain sovereign and independent in their internal and external affairs.

Article Two: Peace

No member of either signatory alliance shall attack or commit acts of espionage against a member of the other signatory alliance or assist an outside entity in doing so.

Article Three: Respect

The signatory alliances and their members will treat each other with as much respect and decency as they would show one of their own members. Healthy debate and discussion as well as constructive criticism are not restricted, but alliance members are expected to show tact and consideration by going through the proper channels when addressing a concern.

Article Four: Intelligence

Should either NATO or Zenith come upon or gather intelligence that has a bearing on the affairs or security of the other signatory, that information must be made available to that other signatory within forty-eight hours.

Article Five: Financial Aid

Neither signatory is required to provide financial aid to the other signatory. However, should one signatory request financial aid, the other signatory is encouraged to consider granting the request.

Article Six: Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression

An attack on one signatory shall be considered an attack on both signatories. If one of the signatories is attacked, the other shall come to their assistance with all means of assistance available. The signatory alliance being attacked may waive the assistance of the other signatory. Neither signatory is required to aid the other with military assistance in wars that are caused via an existing MDP with an alliance outside this treaty. The signatories shall also have the option of coordinating with each other to carry out aggressive action against a non-signatory alliance. If one signatory is planning aggressive action it must give the other signatory at least 48 hours notice prior to the action to allow for possible coordination. If one signatory asks for assistance in an aggressive action, the other signatory is highly encouraged, but not required, to take part.

Article Seven: Cancellation

This treaty may be revoked by the government of either signatory in the event of fundamentally changed circumstances that were never contemplated by the signatories. Notification of revocation must be given to the other signatory within forty-eight hours. Should this treaty be revoked by either signatory, a forty-eight hour grace period begins at the time of notification during which neither signatory may violate this treaty.

Signed for NATO:

President: Pameshlu

Vice President: Tristan the Hammer

Secretary General: Lenny N Karl

Secretary of Defense: tommyknocker2121

Secretary of the Interior: Irregular Apocalypse

Secretary of State: Wentworth the Brave

Secretary of Treasury: Queen Hailee

Attorney General: Aress

Signed for Zenith:

Executive Triumvir: Brian Reimer

External Triumvir: Duncan King

Internal Triumvir: GogetaDBZ96

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Posted by: Wentworth - 09-22-2008, 03:03 PM - Forum: Defunct Treaties - Replies (1)

The Summer Love Accords

Quote:I. Preamble-

NATO and the Viridian Entente have had a peaceful existence on Bob. NATO has long been dreaming of getting to second base with the beautiful VE, and after several slaps and fights, VE has caved in to the pleasures NATO can provide. Through this struggle a love was born. Therefore, we are happy to sign in to this dream we have both had for so long. Summer Love is born.

II. Non-Agression and Discourse-

Both NATO and VE agree that we must never commit any acts of aggression be it militarily, espionage, or spewing poison in public or private channels. Nor will we aid any enemy of either alliance with anything during times of alliance war.

III. Defense and War-

A. This Pact shall activate a declaration of war should either signatory come under fire.

B. Assistance shall include military, economic, intelligence, diplomatic, or anything else to be considered aid.

C. If one signatory is planning to engage in an offensive war, the other has the option, not obligation to join the front.

D. If either alliance is pushed to the state of aggressive warfare, a 72 hour notification is desirable to give the alliances a chance to talk and plan a joint effort.

IV. Diplomatic and Economic Assistance-

A. Both alliances are encouraged to participate in voluntary programs set up for aid and/or trade.

B. If either party is involved in a war, it becomes the duty of the other party to offer diplomatic aid towards the peaceful ending of said conflict should they be requested to by the party engaged.

C. We are united and as such, shall always show support in public and private channels.

V. Termination

If either alliance wants out, there shall be a 72 hour grace period after both parties have been informed.

VI. Ratification

NATO and VE both show unconditional support and love for the above decree and have given their signatures as a show of good faith

Signed for NATO:

President: Pameshlu

Vice President: Tristan the Hammer

Secretary General: Lenny N Karl

Secretary of Defense: tommyknocker2121

Secretary of the Interior: Irregular Apocalypse

Secretary of State: Wentworth the Brave

Secretary of Treasury: Buffalo Niagara

Attorney General: Aress

Signed for VE:

Ardus Cadogan, Lord

Cornelius, Duke

Aznjons, Secretary of Defense

Solaris, Secretary of Interior

Azure, Secretary of State

Sooner, Regent

Eledan, Regent

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  NATO/Ragnarok MADP
Posted by: Wentworth - 09-22-2008, 03:00 PM - Forum: Defunct Treaties - No Replies

Treaty of VANU

Quote:Article I. - Respect:

Ragnarok and NATO recognize each other as well endowed, virile masters of their domains. They also mutually agree that they share a bond of admiration and respect.

Article II. - Don't do that:

Both alliances agree to not engage in any acts of aggression against the other signatory alliance. Acts of aggression are defined as direct military conflict, the use of spies, senate sanctions, or aiding an enemy of the other signatory. Additionally, both alliances commit to supporting each other on public forums and avoid trolling or flaming.*

If an act of aggression does occur, officers of both alliances will meet to discuss in a friendly, respectful way. There shall also be fine meats and cheeses. Wine will be served once the disturbance is put to rest. Those needing to crash on the couch after the meeting due to inability to operate motor vehicles or hovercraft shall under no circumstances be 'shamed'.

Article III. - Watch out for a brother.

No spying, period. If one hears some information the other would find useful, that they are free to share, they should do so. Especially if it involves danger, women, beer or idiots.**

Article IV. - Fighting:

If either of the signatory alliances goes to war, either aggressive or defensive, the other signatory helps out.

If the primary party in the adventure wishes it to be, the secondary is not required to support. If assistance would be an act against other allied alliances, support is not required. However, the full weight of their diplomatic power should be engaged in helping the other's position.

Article V. - Home:

Both alliances recognize the importance of their home teams. They both agree to work towards keeping Aqua a secure, free sphere. The signatories also commit to remaining neutral towards the other's senate candidate and promise never to get all pissy about the composition of the senate. But if one of them has a senator and the other doesn't, and a situation requires a sanction being performed, they'll get that sanction.

Article VI. Termination:

If either signatory wishes to withdraw from this treaty for any reason, they must inform the other 7 days in advance before termination. There will be a 7 day window of non-aggression after the date of termination between the two signatory alliances. Immediate cancellation may occur if either signatory breaches any of the above articles.

Signed on this day,

Respective Governments

*unless very funny.

**mostly just the women.

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Posted by: Wentworth - 09-22-2008, 02:42 PM - Forum: Defunct Treaties - No Replies



The undersigned, United Commonwealth of Nations (UCN) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) hereby declare their friendship and their willingness not to just live together in peace, but also bear arms should either undersigned party come under agression, and the willingness to take up arms against injustice the other undersigned party may deem to be fitting of millitary actions. This treaty, unless canceled as per Article VI, is the sworn oath taken by UCN and NATO, to protect each other's sovereignty.

Article I: Mutual Defense

Any declaration of war upon a member of either alliance is considered an act of aggression to the undersigned member alliances. Peace will only be offered through mutual consent of the alliances represented by the undersigned; and only accepted under the same terms. Diplomatic channels will remain open in the event that a declaration of war by an outside alliance is an unsanctioned operation.

Article II: Mutual Aggression

Neither alliance is obliged to partake in assistance in offensive wars, all military or monetary support is strictly to be decided by each sovereign alliance, yet both are encourage to support each other when called upon by the other alliance.

Article III: Espionage

Neither alliance may directly participate in espionage of any type, regardless of situation and target. If either one of the undersigning alliances conducts espionage on the other signatory, this pact will be revoked immediately following a 24-hour truce. If either alliance bound to this pact conducts espionage on a non-signing alliance, it is grounds for revocation, but such action may or may not be taken by the other signatories leaders.

Article IV: Aid.

Should an undersigned party come into an extraordinary circumstance in which they maybe unable to cope with themselves, they have to right to ask for aid in all forms from the other undersigned party. However, it is also the right of the other undersigned party to carefully analyze the situation and deny aid should they themselves also to be unable to supply the aid needed

Article V: Intelligence

Both parties are obliged to inform the other party with a reasonable warning should there be a significant internal event such as a merger or an election. Both parties are hereby also bound to immediately inform the other of any intelligence concerning them, this includes all reliability ranges, including rumours.

Article VI: Termination

This treaty shall only be terminated if either undersigned alliance chooses to exit this treaty or if Article III is found to be violated by a member alliance. If one of the undersigned chooses to terminate this pact, they must give 48 hours notice before the treaty is officially dissolved in which they remain fully bonded to the provisions contained therein.

Signed for NATO

President: Anu Drake

Vice President: Wentworth the Brave

Secretary General: Lenny N Karl

Secretary of Defense: Hakim

Secretary of the Interior: Pollexter

Secretary of State: Duncan King

Secretary of the Treasury: Buffalo Niagara

Signed for UCN

Secretary General



Mustakrakish II (Prime Minister)






Ernesto Che Guevara

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Posted by: Wentworth - 09-22-2008, 02:38 PM - Forum: Defunct Treaties - No Replies

Graecia Memorial Treaty

Quote:Article I: Sovereignty

In the signing of this treaty each both alliances agree to acknowledge and respect the sovereignty of the other signatory.

Article II: Nonaggression

No member of either alliance will declare war on the other signatory. This also includes actions that can be seen as a violation of peace such as aiding an enemy with money, technology, military or information.

Article III: Mutual Defence

A declaration of war upon one signatory is to be considered an act of war upon the other. Both alliances are expected to come to the military and/or financial aid of either signatory in the event of a defensive war. Neither signatory is required to aid the other with military assistance in wars that are caused via an existing MDP with an alliance outside this treaty.

Article IV: Espionage

The signatories agree not to engage in acts of espionage against the other alliance. Each signatory agrees to provide any intelligence obtained about the other signatory to them as soon as possible.

Article V: Withdrawal

In the case that either party feels it necessary to terminate this treaty, they should first inform the other signatory of their intention and are required to wait 72 hours before termination in order to allow appropiate discussion. This treaty can be reinstated by mutual consent at any time during this period, and is in full effect until the 3 day period has ended. Either alliance is allowed to withdraw from this treaty immediately should it clash with an already existing MDP.

Signed for USN

Cora Mcstrap AKA Fluffy Ewunga - Alliance Council

Camerontech - Alliance Council

Xiao Weng - Alliance Council

Theragu40 - High Council

Sephirdorf - High Council

Kyotowolf - High Council

Mrseamonkey - High Council

Samfisher202 - High Council

Signed for NATO:

Secretary General - Anu Drake

President - King Tom

Vice President - Buffalo Niagara

Secretary of State - Lenny N Karl

Secretary of Defense - The Pansy

Secretary of Interior - The Secret Designer

Secretary of Treasury - Menite

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  The Atlantic Pacific Accords MADP
Posted by: Wentworth - 09-22-2008, 02:30 PM - Forum: Defunct Treaties - No Replies

The Atlantic Pacific Accords

Quote:The undersigned representatives of New Pacific Order (NPO) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) agree to enter into a Mutual Aggression and Defense Pact as outlined in the following.

The First Declaration – Accords Summary

The signatories of these Declarations hereby commit themselves as independent Alliances to a promise of friendship, non-aggression, and defense as stated below. This treaty, unless revoked in the Sixth Declaration, shall henceforth be NPO and NATO's sworn agreement to maintain peaceful and reciprocal relations.

The Second Declaration – Pledge of Non-Aggression

Article I

All members of NPO and NATO enter into a commitment of peace towards each other. No nation of either Alliance shall declare war with the intention to attack, commit any form of aggressive assault, threaten or abuse members in public or private channels or commit espionage against each other. Both alliances agree not to assist an enemy of either Alliance through military or financial means during periods of alliance level conflict.

Article II

The leaders of both Signatory Alliances agree that if one of their Members violates Article I of the Second Declaration by aggressive assault, this attack will be condemned within 24 hours notice of it occurring. The member attacked agrees not to retaliate during this 24-hour period, to allow for the appropriate diplomatic talks. The leaders of both Alliances agree that if one of their members violates Article I of the Second Declaration, then reparations shall be paid at no less than 125% of the damage suffered.

Article III

The leaders of both signatory Alliances agree that if one of their members violates Article I of the Second Declaration by permitting attacks, threatening or abusing members in public or private channels, committing espionage and/or assisting an enemy of either Alliance through military or financial aid; then this attack will be condemned within 24 hours notice of it occurring. The member responsible shall be punished according to his or her Alliance's Charter, which may include Expulsion from the Alliance.

The Third Declaration – Mutual War

Article I

In the event that one Signatory Alliance is attacked by an Outside Party, or has reasonable proof of imminent attacks from an Outside Party, the other Signatory Alliance may offer political, financial, or military assistance to Mutually Defend the members of the attacked Signatory Alliance, and attempt to cease all hostilities.

Article II

In the event that one Signatory Alliance requires assistance in an aggressive war against a Non-Signatory Alliance, both Signatories are obligated to assist the opposite, contingent on the scale and/or type of the conflict, by means of political, financial, and military aid.

Article III

Both Signatory Alliances agree to offer their support as Peace Negotiators, in the event of war with a non-Signatory Alliance, or outside party. This role shall be entrusted to fairly negotiate an end to a conflict, payment of reparations, and apologies if required. The sole purpose of Article III of the Third Declaration is to reach a fair and balanced conclusion to conflict and to cease any hostilities against a Signatory Alliance.

The Fourth Declaration – Civility

All Members of either Signatory Alliance hereby agree to conduct themselves with civility, maturity and diplomacy in all communications. This includes in public and private forums. At all times members will remain respectful of this agreement and their promise to honor the spirit of peace and prosperity. Healthy, mature debate is encouraged, however, as both Signatory Alliances agree to promote freedom of speech and thought within their members.

The Fifth Declaration - Sharing Information

If either Signatory Alliance receives sensitive information regarding the other Signatory Alliance, they agree to share said information and the source of information, with the intent to protect the security and honor of the Alliances.

The Sixth Declaration - Agreements with Outside Parties.

This agreement may supersede other M(A)DPs held by either alliance. If conflicts arise with outside alliances that interfere with this agreement, it shall remain active, and aforementioned conflicts shall be resolved on a case-by-case basis.

The Seventh Declaration – Withdrawal from Accords

If one Signatory Alliance wishes to cancel the APA at anytime, they agree to provide 48 hours notice to the other Alliance. During that time, both Alliances agree to hold diplomatic discussions with the intent of maintaining the treaty.

Treaty Amended 9th September, 2007.

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