07-07-2009, 09:39 AM
North Aqua Mostly Harmless Agreement
Announcement link: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nation...opic=68905
Quote:In the spirit of peace and prosperity, the Mostly Harmless Alliance (hereby known as the MHA) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (hereby known as NATO), make the following Declarations:
For the Purpose of this agreement:
"Member" refers only to a Nation Ruler who displays either MHA or NATO in their Alliance Affiliation.
"Signatory Alliance" refers to either the MHA or NATO.
"Outside party" refers to a singular non Member nation, a singular non-Signatory Alliance, an officially or unofficially aligned group of Alliances, or unofficially aligned group of nations.
The First Declaration
The signatories of these Declarations hereby commit themselves as independent Alliances to a promise of friendship, non-aggression, and defense as stated below. This treaty, unless revoked in the Sixth Declaration, shall henceforth be the MHA and NATO's sworn agreement to maintain peaceful and reciprocal relations.
The Second Declaration
Article I
All members of the MHA and NATO enter into a commitment of non-aggression. No nation of either Alliance shall declare war with the intention to attack, commit any form of aggressive assault, permit attacks against the other Signatory Alliance, threaten or abuse members in public or private channels, commit espionage against a Signatory Alliance, use Team Senate positions to sanction trades, and/or assist an enemy of either Alliance through military or financial aid.
Article II
The leaders of both Signatory Alliances agree that if one of their Members violates Article I of the Second Declaration by aggressive assault, this attack will be condemned within 24 hours notice of it occurring. The member attacked agrees not to retaliate during this 24-hour period, to allow for the appropriate diplomatic talks. The leaders of both Alliances agree that if one of their members violates Article I of the Second Declaration, then reparations shall be paid at no less than 150% of the damage suffered.
Article III
The leaders of both signatory Alliances agree that if one of their members violates Article I of the Second Declaration by permitting attacks, threatening or abusing members in public or private channels, committing espionage against a Signatory Alliance, using Team Senate positions to sanction trades, and/or assisting an enemy of either Alliance through military or financial aid; then this attack will be condemned within 24 hours notice of it occurring. The member responsible shall be punished according to his or her Alliance's Charter, which may include Expulsion from the Alliance. The attacked Alliance may also submit a written Recommendation for Punishment of this member, up to and including Expulsion, 24 hours after the attack has occurred.
Article IV
In the event of the Signatories agreeing to cancel the Declarations of Harmlessness, they shall enter into a cooling-off period, whereby Articles I, II, and III of the Second Declaration shall remain. However, reparations for attack shall be reduced to 100% of the damages, and Recommendations of Punishment after an attack will no longer be accepted. 48 hours after the cooling-off period all Declarations, including Article IV of the Second Declaration, shall be null and void.
The Third Declaration
Article I
In the event that one Signatory Alliance is attacked by an Outside Party, or has reasonable proof of imminent attacks from an Outside Party, the other Signatory Alliance may offer political, financial, or military assistance to Mutually Defend the members of the attacked Signatory Alliance, and attempt to cease all hostilities. Any attacks upon nations defending the Signatory Alliance will be considered an act of war by the Outside Party.
Article II
In the event that one Signatory Alliance requires assistance in an aggressive war against a Non-Signatory Aqua Alliance, both Signatories must come to an agreement on the scale and/or type of assistance, which includes political, financial, and military aid. Both Signatories must also agree on the necessity of such a war, and will attempt to find alternative solutions prior to enacting Article II.
Article III
Both Signatory Alliances agree to offer their support as Peace Negotiators, in the event of war with a non-Signatory Alliance, or outside party. This role shall be entrusted to fairly negotiate an end to a conflict, payment of reparations, and apologies if required. The sole purpose of Article III of the Third Declaration is to reach a fair and balanced conclusion to conflict and to cease any hostilities against a Signatory Alliance.
The Fourth Declaration
Article I
All Members of either Signatory Alliance hereby agree to conduct themselves with civility, maturity and diplomacy in all communications. This includes in public and private forums. At all times members will remain respectful of this agreement and their promise to honor the spirit of peace and prosperity. Healthy, mature debate is encouraged, however, as both Signatory Alliances agree to promote freedom of speech and thought within their members.
Article II
In the event a member wishes to cancel a Trade Agreement with a member of the other Signatory Alliance, they agree to provide a 24-hour notice of their Intention to Cancel Trade, to allow the affected nation time to organize another trade partner. Neither Signatory Alliance will encourage their members to request payment for trades with members of the other Signatory. Both Alliances agree to share information on their member's resources and trade agreements, for the purpose of furthering their gaining agreements and strengthening relations.
Article III
If either Signatory Alliance receives sensitive information regarding the other Signatory Alliance, they agree to share said information and the source of information, with the intent to protect the security and honor of the Alliances.
The Fifth Declaration
In the interest of secure trade and the peace and harmony of the Aqua trading sphere it has been recognized that it is beneficial to both Signatory Alliances to support each other for the Aqua senate. One week prior to senate elections both alliances shall announce their running nations. The MHA is authorized two running nations and NATO is authorized one running nation. All votes from both alliances shall be cast to ensure, as best possible, the victory of all three candidates. In the event the candidate for any of the three openings is not selected one week prior that Alliance forfeits their position and it shall go to the other Alliance.
The Sixth Declaration
If one Signatory Alliance wishes to cancel the (NAME) at anytime, they agree to provide 48 hours notice to the other Alliance. During that time, both Alliances agree to hold diplomatic discussions with the intent of maintaining the treaty. If, however, the Canceling Signatory Alliance still wishes to cancel the treaty at the end of the 48 hours, the Declarations of Harmlessness will become void. At this time, a public announcement will be made and both Alliances enter into a 48-hour cooling-off period of non-aggression, as per Article IV of the Second Declaration. After this period, all Declarations shall be null and void.
Declaring for the MHA
Fenris Wolf
Arian GD
Internal Overseer- VinnyP
External overseer- JimmyK
Operations overseer- R11ch
Declaring for the NATO
President – King Tom
Secretary of State – Anu Drake
Deputy SOS – Capt Benjamin Sisko
Announcement link: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nation...opic=68905
![[Image: tumblr_lm7ka47oY01qzft56o1_500.jpg]](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm7ka47oY01qzft56o1_500.jpg)