Defunct Charters
Original Charter January 2007 to April 11, 2008


The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the NATO Alliance and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments. They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law. They seek to promote stability and well-being on Cyber Nations. They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective defense and for the preservation of peace and security. They therefore agree to this North Atlantic Treaty:

Article I


The purposes of this charter, and all who agree to it are:

The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of NATO.

First Purpose: To promote military security among the member states.

Second Purpose: To promote economic security among the member states. This will be achieved through foreign aid donations and loans.

Third Purpose: To become a powerful alliance on Cyber Nations, so that the member states can enjoy the first and second purposes more easily.

Fourth Purpose: To stand for democracy and to fight against socialism, terrorism, and communism through both diplomatic efforts and, if needed, military force.

Article II

The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them.

The purposes of this charter shall be achieved by:

1. The formation of a NATO force, which shall be available to any member who seeks assistance in the form of military aid. ((not completed yet))

2. The formation of a NATO aid fund, which shall be available to any member who seeks economic aid. See Banking Chains for procedure.

3. The formation of a NATO council, which shall make decisions regarding the Alliance as a whole.

Definitions of the Powers of the Offices of the Council.

NATO is governed by a ruling council, elected every 60 days by the NATO membership. The NATO council is sworn to protect NATO from outside threats and assist NATO members in both enjoying and becoming successful in the CN game.

The council's collective duties are as follows:

1. Act as a governing body for the NATO alliance.

2. Write new laws and policies for the betterment of all NATO members.

3. Perform the day to day duties of keeping the NATO alliance strong and organized.

4. Working with other NATO council members and general NATO membership decide for the membership on critical or time sensitive matters.

5. Any NATO member in good standing can bring any issue before the council for discussion and redress.

  • Acts as Chief of State for NATO.

  • In conjunction with the SoS, and SG acts as the official voice of NATO.

  • Able to act independently in case of a military or diplomatic emergency.

  • Has veto power over the appointment of all Moderators to NATO forums.

  • The President has one vote in NATO council. In case of a Council tie, the President's vote counts as two votes

Vice President

* Acts as President should NATO President be unable to preform the duties of that office.

* Assists the SoI with forum improvement and enhancement.

* Acts as Council Member at large, starting new projects and assisting members in doing the same.

* Acts as a delegate of NATO to CDT. Confers with NATO's Secretary General on any CDT votes and strategy.

* Has final authority on approval of all new NATO members.

* Oversees NATO Cadet Program.

* Has oversight for the Big Brother and Trade Circle programs.

* Oversees and encourages the recruitment of new members and administers the Recruiting Rewards program.

* Has one vote in NATO Council.

Secretary of State

  • Acts as the Chief Diplomat for NATO in all conflict negotiations.

  • Appoints and overseas NATO ambassador Corp.

  • Under direction from the Secretary General, oversees the contact and maintenance of good relations with other CN Alliances.

  • In conjunction with the President and SG, acts as the official voice of NATO.

  • Masks new ambassadors and creates new embassies for ambassadors.

  • Works with the Secretary of the Treasury to fund reparation payments.

  • Has one vote in NATO Council

Secretary of Defense

  • Acts as the Chief Military Authority in NATO.

  • Oversees Bat Commanders. Has veto power over all Bat commander appointments and can appoint or remove Bat commanders at will?

  • Responsible for maintaining an organized, efficient, and ready NATO military at all times.

  • Has one vote in NATO Council

Secretary of Interior

  • Arbitrates all internal disputes

  • Seeks to foster the well being and happiness of all NATO Members.

  • Maintains the membership tracker for the needs of NATO Council and all NATO agents.

  • Works to fully reconcile membership rosters: NATO Forum lists, NATO Tracker, and in-game list.

  • Responsible for the cleaning, care, upkeep and maintenance of NATO Forums.

  • Promotes and manages NATO communications & content -- mass membership PMing and NATO content: Council vote announcements, Senate vote announcements, NATO News/Current Events, etc.

  • Manages and monitors Council elections -- announcements, forums, polls, and results.

  • Has one vote in NATO Council.

Secretary of Treasury

  • Oversees and improves NATO Banking System, including but not limited to the Aid Fall Program, Banking Chain Program, Bank Building Program, etc.

  • Acts as NATO representative to the Consortium.

  • Assists the SoI with members trade circles and other financial aids.

  • Has one vote on NATO Council

Secretary General

  • Appointed by the Council and confirmed by the general membership (majority poll)

  • A new SG can be delegated at any time by a vote from the council and confirmation by a majority of members

  • In conjunction with the President and SoS acts as the voice of The NATO.

  • Serves as NATO's Chief Diplomat and delegate to the CDT

  • Is the CDT Trilat for NATO whenever NATO holds a Trilat position

  • Serves as the Chief Diplomat to other power blocs or specific allies as defined by the Council.

  • Works with and advises the Secretary of State and President on new treaty targets and groups to avoid

  • Has one vote in the Council

Article III


Requirements for membership:

1. All new members must be on the Aqua team. In order to receive any aid from NATO new members must be on the Aqua team. Members joining before the date 2/1/07 have the option to be on the Aqua team.

2. Any nations wishing to join may not belong to another alliance at the time of joining. They cannot currently be in a war against a member of NATO or a Congressional Member Alliance or they may not be granted full membership until the aggression between the two states ends.

Article IV

In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.

Article V

The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened.

Article VI

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of Cyber Nations.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .

Article VII

For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack on any territory currently in the possession of a member states, any ships, vessels, aircraft, buildings, vehicles, or citizens belonging to a member state.

Article VIII

Each Party declares that none of the international engagements now in force between it and any other of the Parties or any third State is in conflict with the provisions of this Treaty, and undertakes not to enter into any international engagement in conflict with this Treaty.

Article IX

The Parties hereby establish a Council, on which each of them shall be represented, to consider matters concerning the implementation of this Treaty. The Council shall be so organized as to be able to meet promptly at any time. The Council shall set up such subsidiary bodies as may be necessary; in particular it shall establish immediately a defense committee which shall recommend measures for the implementation of Articles 3 and 5.

Article X

The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other state in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of Cyber Nations to accede to this Treaty and enjoy a seat on the Council. Any State so invited may become a Party to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the Council. The Council will inform each of the Parties of the deposit of each such instrument of accession.

Article XI

This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Council, which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit. The Treaty shall enter into force immediately. (3)

Article XII

The Justice System of the Alliance

The Justice System of the Alliance shall consist of:

1. The Elected Members of the Senate shall act as the Justice System of the alliance, which shall rule over all issues. All issues brought before the Senate must be ruled upon by the Senate. The Senate may not dismiss a case that has not been ruled upon. (See Articles of Censure for the Procedure of Justice.)

Article XIII

Declaration of War and Procedures thereof

Any nation declaring war against a member of NATO shall be an enemy of The Alliance, and all members must cancel any trade agreements with an enemy nation. An attack against a member nation shall be treated as an attack against all members, and any member nations within the strength range must declare war immediately in the event of an attack. All member nations not in the enemy nation's strength range are encouraged to donate money and troops to any nations at war.

Article XIV

The NATO motto:

The NATO motto shall be "Peace through superior firepower".

Article XV

Amending the Charter

To amend the charter, a change will be proposed by any member state. A vote will be held, and if 3/4 of all member states approve the change, it will go to the council. The council must vote unanimously to approve the change.

Article XVI


The following nations affirm that they whole heartedly approve this treaty and swear to support and defend it, by force if need be.





[Image: style6,AtheistRepublican.png]

Hey, look - I got a sig! Our long national nightmare is over!
April 11, 2008 to January 18, 2011

Announcement link:

Quote:The Charter of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization


We the Sovereign Nations of NATO, in order to form a more Just, Fair, and Fun Union, while providing for the common defense and economic well being of ourselves, do hereby establish this Charter for The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The NATO motto shall be Peace through superior firepower.

NATO Charter

NATO, in an effort to better serve its members, hereby enacts this charter for The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The purpose of NATO is to preserve democracy, protect and serve its member nations, and promote fun above all else.

This charter may not be changed without the express consent of the member nations of NATO. To affect such a change, a thread detailing the proposed changes must be created, and the membership notified of its existence via in-game PMs. This thread shall remain open for a minimum of five days after member notification.

After five days, and once the High Council deems the discussion sufficient, a voting thread will be opened and shall remain open for five days. A minimum 66% vote in favor of the proposal is required to instate the change.

Article 1 - Members

NATO members are encouraged to participate to the fullest extent they are comfortable with. You will get out of NATO what you put into it.

By joining NATO you receive the protection of The Alliance in exchange for your willing defense in times of need. An attack against one NATO member is an attack against all of NATO.

The NATO Alliance membership, as a body, has the right to veto any decision made by any government official. They may also remove any government official from office. Either action requires a 66% majority vote. Votes shall be open for 48 hrs, and the 66% majority is of the people who actually vote during that time, not 66% of all people flying the NATO AA.

Additionally, all NATO members are expected to behave themselves and play nice with each other.

These are your responsibilities:
  • All nations must abide by the Rules of Engagement (RoE).

  • NATO members will move to the official Alliance color, within 30 days of acceptance as a full member, and you must stay on that color until such time as NATO moves to another team color, unless you joined NATO before March 5 2010 or are permitted to change color by the Minister of Commerce for purposes of trade.

  • In times of war, NATO members may be called upon to help defend your brothers in arms from NATO's enemies and you will be required to respond to the best of your ability, providing whatever aid or assistance is needed/appropriate to the Alliance.

  • NATO members will vote for the designated Official Team Color Senator.

  • NATO members are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards their fellow NATO members in game and on our forums. NATO members are prohibited from being a severe nuisance by making posts characterized as being generally mean spirited or hate filled with a frequency such that one can be described as a constant malcontent.

  • NATO members will also present a responsible and professional face to the International Community.

  • During times of war, NATO members are prohibited from sending aid to the enemy, or those who are helping the enemy.

  • Member nations who accept Starting Aid must remain with the alliance for at least 45 days or repay the entire aid if they wish to leave prior to that time.

  • No NATO member shall use multiple accounts in CN or in the NATO forums, nor shall they have one nation in NATO and another nation in another alliance.

As a NATO member, you have the following rights:
  • You have the right to use your nation's resources in any way they choose, however NATO also reserves the right to provide preferential aid and assistance to nations that are best utilizing their resources.

  • You have the right to request military assistance if you are attacked. Members must follow established procedures to obtain this assistance. NATO guarantees assistance to those who follow the established procedures.

  • You have the absolute right to not be threatened by Zero Infrastructure or Permanent Zero Infrastructure unless you commit Treason, defined below. You have the right to speak out against the current NATO government, suggest or request change, or voice a dissenting opinion in the NATO forums without fear of the punishment for Treason. However, while these listed activities are not treason, should the speech rise to the level of harassment, other judicial remedies may apply.

  • You have the right to due process under law for any alleged violation of the charter, RoE, or law and you shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

  • You have the right to be free from any secret laws, as these shall not apply to you.

  • You shall not be subjected to secret trials. However, evidence deemed sensitive to the security of the alliance can be presented against you if the Sensitive Evidence Tribunal deems it appropriate.

  • You have the right to vote on issues that affect the alliance as whole.

  • You have the right to vote in general elections.

  • You have the right to be free of all taxes unless the NATO alliance shall be forced to pay Reparations as part of peace terms from a war.

  • You have the right to maintain all trade agreements, even with enemies in times of war.

  • You have the right to leave the alliance at any time, save during times when NATO is engaged in active warfare with another alliance (unless departure is authorized by a member of the High Council), providing you post a departure message in the appropriate NATO forum.

Article 2 - Government

Section 1

NATO shall be governed by three groups: the High Council, the Ministry, and the Justice Department

The High Councilors, of which there will be three, will have final say in all matters not directly related to internal justice. Each High Councilor will have their own specific responsibilities, duties, and authority, but must also work together to reach decisions on issues of importance to the alliance. Each High Councilor is expected to pursue their duties vigorously. Failure or abuse of their authority will be checked by the membership's ability to veto their decisions and remove them from power. Gross violations of their duties and responsibilities may be met with harsh punishment from the government after they have been removed from office.

The Ministry is the collective group of Ministers, each with their own responsibilities, duties, and authority, responsible for the day-to-day running of the alliance. Each Minister will have exclusive authority in the execution of their portfolio, but must act in accordance with the stated policies of the High Councilors, when possible. Failure or abuse of their authority will be checked by the membership's ability to veto their decisions and remove them from power. Gross violations of their duties and responsibilities may be met with harsh punishment from the government after they have been removed from office.

The Justice Department shall consist of one Chief Justice and up to two Secondary Justices appointed by the Chief.

Section 2

All government officials are expected to work to better NATO and help the NATO membership, not to play power games with each other.

Where the release of internal discussion and decisions of the various government agencies will not harm the security of NATO, they are expected to release said material in as timely a manner as possible.

Section 3

Elections shall be held every 3 months to elect the entire NATO government.

Any member may self nominate, but must be seconded and must accept the nomination to officially enter an election, and may only accept one nomination, participating in the race for only one position per election period.

Nomination threads will be created on the forums ten days prior to the start of the new term, and shall remain open for two days. Candidates will be allowed three days of campaigning after the nomination period.

Following the campaigning period, voting threads will opened for each position in the NATO Government Offices forum and shall remain open for five days.

Winners will be defined as the candidate with the most votes, not necessarily needing a majority. In the event of a tie, the current High Council will decide (via vote, majority being 51% or more) the winner of the race as their last act, candidate's choice.

Section 4

In the event that a High Councilor resigns or is removed from office, and less than one-half of their full term remains, then a Minister may be appointed by the remaining Councilors to carry out the duration of the term as an acting High Councilor. If more than half of the full term remains, then a by-election will be held to elect a replacement. Currently serving Ministers and Deputies will be eligible to run in such an election, but Ministers must then be replaced as outlined below.

Any government Minister may appoint up to two Deputy Ministers to assist them in carrying out their duties. In the event that a Minister resigns or is removed from office and less than one-half of their full term remains, then a Deputy Minister may be appointed by the High Council to carry out the duration of the term as acting Minister. If more than half of the full term remains, then a by-election will be held to elect a replacement.

The offices, duties, responsibilities, and respective authorities of each office are as follows.

Section 5

There shall be three High Councilors: High Councilor Potentia (might), High Councilor Augmentum (growth), and High Councilor Externus (foreign).

High Councilor Potentia:

Oversees all operations, helps where needed. Bloc Leader.

High Councilor Externus:

Oversees operations in FA. One of the Bloc Leaders.

High Councilor Augmentum:

Oversees internal programs, problems.

While each High Councilor is listed as "in charge", they must all work together to reach certain decisions. They may declare war or activate any optional defensive treaty only if all three High Councilors agree (different from activating a defensive treaty), and may activate any non-optional defensive treaty, sign or cancel treaties only if any two of the three High Councilors agree.

The High Council is expected to work together on all matters and communicate with each other often. They collectively set all policies of NATO, and represent NATO in all public matters, such as foreign affairs or power blocs.

Should the High Councilors be unable to agree on any particular issue, the High Councilor "in charge" of that area shall be counted as a tie breaker vote. For example, if the three High Councilors cannot agree on whether to join a new power bloc, then High Councilor Externus' vote counts twice, whereas if they cannot agree on whether to change NATO's banking policy, High Councilor Augmentum's vote would be the tie breaker. NOTE: Deciding whether to enter a war or not is the purview of High Councilor Potentia, not High Councilor Externus, so if a tie breaker is needed, High Councilor Potentia will cast that vote.

Section 6

There shall be five Ministers.

Minister of Commerce (MoC):

Oversees the Treasury Department. Assembles regular aid falls for graduates and tech falls for larger members. Assists members with forming trade circles. Responsible for Bank creation. Appoints a cabinet to help audit nations for aid falls. Has constant communication with MoD to ensure timely aid distribution during war times and to promote military readiness for nations. Enlists nations to help with tech and trade circle formation.

Minister of Defense (MoD):

Oversees military structure and development. Appoints Battalion Commanders and Lts. based on merit and activity. Works with allied leadership to coordinate strikes and target lists, works to increase Battalion readiness and reactivity. Works with MoC to help distribute aid to needy nations.

Minister of Enlistment (MoE):

Heads up recruiting Department and NATO University. Responsible for creating letters, organizing recruit teams, creates aid program for recruiters, passes or fails cadets, produces curriculum and requirements for graduation, organizes NATO Guides, works with MoC to distribute startup aid, assists recruits with basic changes (AA to NATO and such).

Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA):

Bloc Leader. Assists external Triumvir in treaty discussion, peace negotiations, and OWF presence. Appoints cabinet to help maintain embassies here and abroad.

Minister of Internal Affairs (MoIA):

Employs artists to assist members with signature creation, medal and bar creation, battalion insignia, visual propaganda. Employs Official scribes to write Motivational posts about NATO, theory and unity, etc. Mediators reside here to qualm internal strife. Also employs forum experts to assist in the creation of a fun and exciting forum design.

Section 7

There shall be one Chief Justice, who may appoint up to two Secondary Justices (Prosecutor and Defense).

The Chief Justice is responsible for reviewing all Cases that are brought to the court and shall decide whether the evidence and type of case warrants enacting the Precedent Policy, or if a Trial is required. During Trials, he/she is responsible for maintaining court procedure and finally to pass verdict and sentencing on the Case itself.

The Prosecutor is responsible for conducting the case against a Defendant, and to recommend the verdict and sentencing of the crime based on the evidence provided. The Prosecutor will also recommend which punishments are necessary for Policy Breaches where the convictions are automatic. If no Prosecutor has been appointed, the task of prosecution shall be undertaken by an elected member of the government, other than the Chief Justice.

At the option of the Defendant, the Defense is responsible for conducting the case on behalf of a Defendant, to prove their innocence of the alleged charges, or to recommend sentencing based on the evidence provided. The Defense will also recommend punishment for Policy Breaches where convictions are automatic. If no Defense has been appointed, the Defendant may ask any member in good standing to aid in their defense. Should no such member prove willing, an elected member of the government must assume the role, and shall assist the Defendant to the best of their ability.

The Justices do not police the government. The government is policed by the general membership via veto or removal votes. Ministers are, however, subject to the same rules and laws as every other NATO member, and thus can be persecuted for individual (as opposed to governmental) crimes.

Article 3 - The Justice System

Items not covered under this section are open to interpretation by the sitting justice system based on Alliance policy, and conditions on planet Bob.

Rules of Engagement violations:
  • Trial information will be contained in the Active Conflict Watch thread. Members in violation may request council or defend themselves in the thread. In all cases immediate responses may be handled by any sitting Minister or High Councilor handling the violation.

  • Immediate response will be subject to review for legality by the Chief Justice based on alliance charter and policy.

  • Changes may be made and further penalties assessed by the Justice department after the case has been presented including: Reparations to the affected nation, additional reps to NATO nations per the Minister of Finance, removal of member in good standing status, reduction of member mask to cadet status for retraining, expulsion from NATO (for repeat offenses only), Assignment to the ACW to become more familiar with RoE violations.

General policy violations member complaints:
  • A thread will be designated in the Justice department area. ONLY those with business regarding the case may post in the thread, but will be seen by all members in good standing. Those violating this are subject to forum warnings or further prosecution from the justice department as determined by the Chief Justice.

  • The Defendant may post in the thread, or may be represented by the Defense Counsel. Both will speak on the behalf of the Defendant.

  • The Prosecutor will be the ONLY Government representative to post on behalf of the government of the member pressing charges. In the event the Prosecutor is unable to perform his/her duties, the High Councilor Augmentum may stand in this persons place.

  • Trials will continue until both Prosecution and Defendants rest their case, or a maximum of 72 hours. At that time the thread will be closed by the Chief Justice and a decision posted within 24 hours.

  • Membership may request a retrial by Ministry members by a member in good standing posting said request in the Justice department, and being seconded by two other members in good standing.

  • In a retrial by the Ministry, Ministers and the High Councilor’s may ask for further clarification on issues, hear new evidence and continue the case for another 72 hour period. Again a 24 hour voting period will begin, failure to achieve a majority ruling to overturn will result in the original ruling to remain effective. There is no appeal process for a retrial.
[Image: style6,AtheistRepublican.png]

Hey, look - I got a sig! Our long national nightmare is over!
[Image: natosnactionlrgog5.png]

Quote:The Charter of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization


We the Sovereign Nations of NATO, in order to form a more Just, Fair, and Fun Union, while providing for the common defense and economic well being of ourselves, do hereby establish this Charter for The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The NATO motto shall be, "Peace Through Superior Firepower."

NATO Charter

NATO, in an effort to better serve its members, hereby enacts this charter for The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The purpose of NATO is to preserve democracy, protect and serve its member nations, and promote fun above all else.

This charter may not be changed without the express consent of the member nations of NATO. To affect such a change, a thread detailing the proposed changes must be created, and the membership notified of its existence via in-game PMs. This thread shall remain open for a minimum of five days after member notification.

After five days, and once the Secretary General deems the discussion sufficient, a voting thread will be opened and shall remain open for five days. A minimum 66% vote in favor of the proposal is required to instate the change.

Article 1 - Members

NATO members are encouraged to participate to the fullest extent they are comfortable with. You will get out of NATO what you put into it.

By joining NATO you receive the protection of The Alliance in exchange for your willing defense in times of need. An attack against one NATO member is an attack against all of NATO.

The NATO Alliance membership, as a body, has the right to veto any decision made by any government official. They may also remove any government official from office. Either action requires a 66% majority vote. Votes shall be open for 48 hrs after in-game PM notification, and the 66% majority is of the people who actually vote during that time, not 66% of all people flying the NATO AA.

Additionally, all NATO members are expected to behave themselves and play nice with each other.

These are your responsibilities:

All nations must abide by the Rules of Engagement (RoE).
NATO members will move to the official Alliance color, within 30 days of acceptance as a full member, and you must stay on that color until such time as NATO moves to another team color, unless you joined NATO before March 5 2010 or are permitted to change color by the Secretary of Commerce for purposes of trade.
In times of war, NATO members may be called upon to help defend your brothers in arms from NATO's enemies and you will be required to respond to the best of your ability, providing whatever aid or assistance is needed/appropriate to the Alliance.
NATO members will vote for the designated Official Team Color Senator.
NATO members are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards their fellow NATO members in game, on IRC and on our forums. NATO members are prohibited from being a severe nuisance by making posts characterized as being generally mean spirited or hate filled with a frequency such that one can be described as a constant malcontent.
NATO members will also present a responsible and professional face to the International Community.
During times of war, NATO members are prohibited from sending aid to the enemy, or those who are helping the enemy.
Member nations who accept starting aid must remain with the alliance for at least 45 days or repay the entire aid if they wish to leave prior to that time.
No NATO member shall use multiple accounts in CN or in the NATO forums, nor shall they have one nation in NATO and another nation in another alliance.

As a NATO member, you have the following rights:
You have the right to use your nation's resources in any way they choose, however NATO also reserves the right to provide preferential aid and assistance to nations that are best utilizing their resources.
You have the right to request military assistance if you are attacked. Members must follow established procedures to obtain this assistance. NATO guarantees assistance to those who follow the established procedures.
You have the absolute right to not be threatened by Zero Infrastructure or Permanent Zero Infrastructure unless you commit Treason, defined below. You have the right to speak out against the current NATO government, suggest or request change, or voice a dissenting opinion in the NATO forums without fear of the punishment for Treason. However, while these listed activities are not treason, should the speech rise to the level of harassment, other judicial remedies may apply.
You have the right to due process under law for any alleged violation of the charter, RoE, or law and you shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
You have the right to be free from any secret laws, as these shall not apply to you.
You shall not be subjected to secret trials. However, evidence deemed sensitive to the security of the alliance can be presented against you if the Sensitive Evidence Tribunal deems it appropriate.
You have the right to vote on issues that affect the alliance as whole.
You have the right to vote in general elections.
You have the right to be free of all taxes unless the NATO alliance shall be forced to pay Reparations as part of peace terms from a war.
You have the right to maintain all trade agreements, even with enemies in times of war.
You have the right to leave the alliance at any time, save during times when NATO is engaged in active warfare with another alliance or when you have pending debts (unless departure is authorized by a member of the Council), providing you post a departure message in the appropriate NATO forum.
Article 2 - Government

Section 1

NATO shall be governed by a Council of Secretaries, chaired by the Secretary General, and shall put to vote any decisions regarding external or internal affairs not relating to internal justice, including but not limited to: treaty signings, bloc decisions, war declarations, and policy changes. A simple majority (51%) is required to pass a vote. Each Secretary shall have one vote on Council. In the event of a tie, the Secretary General shall have two votes.

Each Secretary will have their own specific responsibilities, duties, and authority, but must also work together to reach decisions on issues of importance to the alliance. Each Secretary is expected to pursue their duties vigorously and are responsible for the day-to-day running of the alliance. Failure or abuse of their authority will be checked by the membership's ability to veto their decisions and remove them from power. Gross violations of their duties and responsibilities may be met with harsh punishment from the government after they have been removed from office.

Section 2

All government officials are expected to work to better NATO and help the NATO membership, not to play power games with each other.

Where the release of internal discussion and decisions of the various government agencies will not harm the security of NATO, they are expected to release said material in as timely a manner as possible.

Section 3

Elections shall be held every six months to elect the entire NATO government.

Any member may nominate another member, or may self nominate, but self nominations must be seconded. A nominated member must accept the nomination to officially enter an election, and may only accept one nomination, participating in the race for only one position per election period.

During the nomination period, only members who have previously served a full term in any other Council position may accept the nomination for Chief Justice. If, however, the only candidate running is the incumbent Chief Justice, or if the position may become vacant due to lack of qualified candidates, then the Secretary General reserves the right to nominate a candidate for the election. If the Secretary General is currently inactive, then the decision defaults to a simple majority vote by the remaining Council.

Nomination threads will be created on the forums ten days prior to the start of the new term, and shall remain open for seven days. Candidates will be allowed three days of campaigning after the nomination period. Candidates may campaign via in-game PM, on IRC, or in the specified Election District subforum. Candidates may not campaign in any other section of the forum other than the Election District.

When the campaign period ends, voting threads will be opened for each position in the Election District forum and shall remain open for five days. Candidates may continue to campaign in the Election District subforum, but all other forms of campaigning are prohibited.

Winners will be defined as the candidate with the most votes, not necessarily needing a majority. In the event of a tie, the current Council will decide (via vote, majority being 51% or more) the winner of the race as their last act, candidate's choice.

Section 4

In the event that the Secretary General resigns or is removed from office, and less than one-half of their full term remains, then a Secretary may be appointed by the remaining Council to carry out the duration of the term as an acting Secretary General. If more than half of the full term remains, then a by-election will be held to elect a replacement. In the event this happens during an emergency of war, the Secretary of Defense may temporarily assume the Secretary General duties until a replacement is found or elected.

In the event that a Secretary resigns or is removed from office, and less than one-half of their full term remains, then a Deputy may be appointed by the Secretary General to carry out the duration of the term as an acting Secretary. If more than half of the full term remains, then a by-election will be held to elect a replacement.

Section 5

The offices, duties, responsibilities, and respective authorities of each position are as follows:

Secretary General (SG):

Chairs the Council and brings new decisions to vote. Oversees all operations and helps where needed. Acts as a representative to the bloc. Acts as voice of NATO to the public. Works with SoFA in discussions and peace negotiations. In agreement with SoD, able to declare war when required by a mutual defense treaty clause. In agreement with Council, able to declare war for any other purpose.

Secretary of Commerce (SoC):

Oversees the Treasury Department. Assembles regular aid falls for graduates and tech falls for larger members. Assists members with forming trade circles. Responsible for Bank creation. Appoints a cabinet to help audit nations for aid falls. Has constant communication with SoD to ensure timely aid distribution during war times and to promote military readiness for nations. Enlists nations to help with tech and trade circle formation. Shall appoint a Deputy in charge of managing the trades or tech development of the alliance.

Secretary of Defense (SoD):

Oversees military structure and development. Appoints Military Commanders based on merit and activity. Works with allied leadership to coordinate strikes and target lists, works to increase Battalion readiness and reactivity. Works with SoC to help distribute aid to needy nations. If the Secretary General is absent during a time of war, then the SoD may temporarily assume the responsibilities of SG until the SG returns. Representative to bloc.

Secretary of Enlistment (SoE):

Oversees Recruiting and NATO University. Responsible for creating letters, organizing recruit teams, creates aid program for recruitment, passes or fails cadets, produces curriculum and requirements for graduation, organizes NATO Guides, works with SoC to distribute start up aid, and assists recruits with basic needs.

Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SoFA):

Works with Secretary General in treaty discussion, peace negotiations, and OWF presence. Responsible for the maintenance of good relations with other alliances. Responsible for the masking of new foreign ambassadors and embassy creation. Appoints ambassadors from the membership to help maintain embassies here and abroad. Representative to bloc.

Section 6

Each Secretary may appoint Deputies to assist them with their responsibilities and the day-to-day management of their department. Deputies may also be shared amongst departments.

Section 7

There shall be one Chief Justice, who may appoint up to two Secondary Justices (Prosecutor and Defense). The Chief Justice shall have a voice, but not a vote, on the Council. The Chief Justice is also responsible for managing and monitoring NATO Government elections; such as announcements, nomination, campaign, voting and results threads.

The Chief Justice is responsible for reviewing all Cases that are brought to the court and shall decide whether the evidence and type of case warrants enacting the Precedent Policy, or if a Trial is required. During Trials, he/she is responsible for maintaining court procedure and finally to pass verdict and sentencing on the Case itself. The Chief Justice is also responsible for mediating all member disputes which may not necessarily need Court action.

The Prosecutor is responsible for conducting the case against a Defendant, and to recommend the verdict and sentencing of the crime based on the evidence provided. The Prosecutor will also recommend which punishments are necessary for Policy Breaches where the convictions are automatic. If no Prosecutor has been appointed, the task of prosecution shall be undertaken by an elected member of the government, other than the Chief Justice.

At the option of the Defendant, the Defense is responsible for conducting the case on behalf of a Defendant, to prove their innocence of the alleged charges, or to recommend sentencing based on the evidence provided. The Defense will also recommend punishment for Policy Breaches where convictions are automatic. If no Defense has been appointed, the Defendant may ask any member in good standing to aid in their defense. Should no such member prove willing, an elected member of the government must assume the role, and shall assist the Defendant to the best of their ability.

The Justices do not police the government. The government is policed by the general membership via veto or removal votes. Secretaries are, however, subject to the same rules and laws as every other NATO member, and thus can be prosecuted for individual (as opposed to governmental) crimes.

Section 8

In the event the Chief Justice resigns with more than one-half term remaining, then a by-election shall be held for a replacement. If less than one-half term remains, or in the event of temporary inactivity, then the Secretary General shall appoint a Councilor Emeritus, Deputy or Secondary Justice to assume the duties of acting Chief Justice only if the need for a Chief Justice arises. In the event that the Chief Justice is inactive or resigned during the election phase, the Secretary General shall assume the responsibilities for managing the election or appoint them to someone else.

Article 3 - The Justice System

Items not covered under this section are open to interpretation by the sitting justice system based on Alliance policy, and conditions on planet Bob.

Rules of Engagement (RoE) violations:
Trial information will be contained in the Active Conflict Watch thread. Members in violation may request council or defend themselves in the thread. In all cases immediate responses may be handled by any sitting Council member handling the violation.
Immediate response will be subject to review for legality by the Chief Justice based on alliance charter and policy.
Changes may be made and further penalties assessed by the Justice department after the case has been presented including: Reparations to the affected nation, additional reps to NATO nations per the Secretary of Commerce, removal of member in good standing status, reduction of member mask to cadet status for retraining, expulsion from NATO (for repeat offenses only), and assignment to the ACW to become more familiar with RoE violations.
General policy violations member complaints:
A thread will be designated in the Justice department area. ONLY those with business regarding the case may post in the thread, but will be seen by all members in good standing. Those violating this are subject to forum warnings or further prosecution from the justice department as determined by the Chief Justice.
The Defendant may post in the thread, or may be represented by the Defense Counsel. Both will speak on the behalf of the Defendant.
The Prosecutor will be the ONLY Government representative to post on behalf of the government of the member pressing charges. In the event the Prosecutor is unable to perform his/her duties, the Secretary General may stand in this person's place.
Trials will continue until both Prosecution and Defendants rest their case, or a maximum of 72 hours. At that time the thread will be closed by the Chief Justice and a decision posted within 24 hours.
Membership may request a retrial by Council members by a member in good standing posting said request in the Justice department, and being seconded by two other members in good standing.
In a retrial by the Council, Secretaries may ask for further clarification on issues, hear new evidence and continue the case for another 72 hour period. Again a 24 hour voting period will begin, failure to achieve a majority ruling to overturn will result in the original ruling to remain effective. There is no appeal process for a retrial.
Tsayka[NATO]: I would like you all to know

[9:17pm] Tsayka[NATO]: that on STA's forums I spelled my own username wrong

[9:17pm] Tsayka[NATO]: and just now realized it

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