Blunity Accords
Blunity Accords

The Blunity Accords is an economic bloc residing on the Blue Sphere. Its goals are to maintain and promote Blue Sphere interactions in order to form a more perfect bond economically.

I. Admission

A. Entry to BLUNITY is open to any alliances with 75% of its nations residing on the Blue Sphere.

B. A 3/4 majority vote is required in the acceptance of new members.

C. Each applicant member will be informed of their answer in 72 hours or less.

II. Trade

The undersigned agree to maintain a cooperative trade sphere.

A. Signatories will collaborate towards the formation of trade circles on the BLUNITY forums.

B. No signatory will enact a trade embargo against another signatory.

C. Signatories will give at least 5 days notice to the other signatories should they intend to change spheres.

III. Commerce

The undersigned are encouraged to organize tech deals preferentially with other BLUNITY alliances.

A. Signatories agree to maintain and manage a tech deal section on the BLUNITY forums.

B. Signatories are encouraged to orchestrate aiding programs for whatever purpose with other alliances as a sign of friendship

IV. Amendments

The undersigned may amend the treaty if they so choose.

A. Amendments to BLUNITY require the unanimous approval of all BLUNITY signatories to pass.

V. Withdrawal

Signatories may withdraw from this treaty at any time without stating a reason.

A. Private notice of 72 hours is required during which time the undersigned remain bound by this treaty.

B. Public notice may not be given until after the 72 hours have elapsed.

C. No alliance may be forcibly expelled from BLUNITY unless they no longer meet the 75% member requirement for the Blue Team or if they violate the terms laid out by this document.

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